Thursday, May 31, 2018

The Cross: The Power of God

"For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.” (I Corinthians 1:18)

Christians have been accused of having a “slaughter house” religion because of our emphasis on the Cross of Christ. To those who are perishing, our insistence on the cross and not good works on the part of the seeker is foolish. Pride tells folks that if one is good enough he will be accepted of God and have eternal life. I cringe when I hear parents say to their child, “Now if you’re not good God won’t love you.”

The cross was a place where despised, common criminals, thieves and murderers were executed by the Roman government. It was the equivalent of the electric chair today. Two thieves were executed beside Jesus. Those around His cross assumed He was just another crook or else He would not be suffering such a death. And, then for Christians to embrace the cross and someone dying there looked foolish then and continues to look foolish in today’s modern world.

But, we know from Bible study and Christian experience that the cross is the power of God. Trust Jesus today. Go to Him by the way of the cross.

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