Friday, May 4, 2018

Follow God

“Be ye therefore followers as dear children.” (Ephesians 5:1)

We are to follow God as children. It is as though there is a path that God makes for us and we will not go wrong following that path. Let me give you two illustrations.

On a particular snowy day when snow was more two feet deep, a certain man could not get to work. He decided he would go to the local bar. On his way he became aware that his little boy was following him. The father asked his son, “Where are you going?” The little boy said, “I’m following your footsteps, Daddy.”

God had called a man to preach the gospel and be a pastor. But, before he could preach he had to sell all his farm equipment and livestock. He witnessed to many lost people and led them to Christ. He helped the needy and made many hospital visits. His little boy said, “Dad, when I grow up I want to be just like you.”

The first dad was leading his son down a wrong path. The second was leading his son in paths of righteousness.  We can choose to follow the Lord or follow Satan. For a good life that ends well we must be followers of God, as children following Godly parents.

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