Tuesday, May 8, 2018

At Jesus’ Feet

“… And she had a sister called Mary, which also sat at Jesus’ feet, and heard His word. (Luke 10:39)

The Booth Brothers have a beautiful song they sing with these words: “Look for me at Jesus feet.” The lyrics speak to the listener saying that if I get to heaven before you do, when you want to find me, look for me at Jesus feet.

Sitting at Jesus’ feet implies humility on our part. Mary wanted to be still in the Lord’s presence. She had a desire to be with Jesus and listen to His teaching of His word.

Jesus complemented her on the choice she made of worshipping Him and not being busy serving Him. In observing some churches today I think we feel we have not had church unless we have worked ourselves into a frenzy.

Sit at His feet, hear His word and worship Him. We can be a Martha after we have worshipped Him.

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