Friday, May 25, 2018

Church Bosses

“I wrote unto the church: but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the preeminence among them, receiveth us not.” (III John 9)

It would have been a dangerous thing to destroy one of the apostolic letters. It would be the equivalent of tearing out the pages of an apostolic letter in our Bible because we do not believe it or agree with it. The church boss, Diotrephes, did not receive John or his letter. Diotrephes wanted to be preeminent.

A church boss wants to be the final authority to make sure everything is done right in his eyes in the church. I have known men that in a business meeting who ruled with such a high hand the people looked at him to get his opinion on any issue before they would vote. He would rule on whether or not a church could receive someone for membership, even if they met Biblical qualifications. He enjoyed telling the pastor what he could and could not preach. He had “bluffed” his way into being the top leader in the church.

John was one of the first Apostles, along with his brother, James. He was at the cross when Jesus died. At the cross John was entrusted with the care of Jesus’ mother. He was one of the first to the empty tomb. The very idea of Diotrephes slandering the beloved apostle with malicious words!

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