Monday, May 21, 2018

Christian Assembly

“Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.” 
(Hebrews 10:25)

The psalmist said that he was glad when they said let’s go to the house of God. At the church house or the house of God we meet with other Christians who share the same values that we have. But the church house is not the only placed we can assemble.

In the first century there were no big fine houses of worship so the Christians assembled in other places. There were “house churches” with people meeting in homes. They worshipped in caves or wherever they could assemble. The important thing is, they assembled together. The exhortation in Hebrews is on-going. It did not end. The exhortation is directed to us today.

I had a friend who stopped attending church. Years went by and he found himself assembling with other Christians again.  He told me that when he was absent the first Sunday he felt guilty. Then the second Sunday was easier with not as much guilt. It went on. He told me he got to the place that he did not care if he never went back to church. Then he realized what he was missing; food for his soul, fellowship with other believers, the encouragement from others and the worship of the lord.

Assemble somewhere with other believers this next Sunday. You will be a better person for having done so.

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