Thursday, May 10, 2018

Tomorrow Never Comes

“Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.” (Proverbs 27:1)

It is easy to put off planting a field of corn today in hopes that tomorrow will be a better day. “I’ll do it tomorrow. There’s plenty of time.”

I have it heard it said by more than one person, “I plan to be saved sometime but not today.” I talked to an older unsaved gentleman in the coronary care unit of our local hospital. As I witnessed to him he was more serious than I had seen him in previous visits at home. His response to me was, “Let me get out of the hospital and you come by the house and I’ll do it then.” Shortly after getting out of the hospital he died of a fatal heart attack. I spoke to a young man who said, “Not now. I’ll do it sometime.” That was twenty-five years ago. He is still lost.

The same uncertainty of tomorrow applies to those of us who are dedicated Christians. “I want to go by and witness to that fellow tomorrow.” But something happens in our schedule that hinders us from ever going. I knew a seventy-five year old man that was weeping as he spoke to our young people. He said that he knew God was calling him into the ministry as a teenager. He planned to do it soon, he said. But he put it off year after year. He admonished our youth to do what they know they should do because all we have is today. He said, “Tomorrow never comes.” 

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