Friday, January 1, 2016

The Crowning of the Year

"Thou crownest the year with thy goodness; and thy paths drop fatness.” (Psalm 65:11)

David was not without his faults but he knew how to praise God and to be thankful. He acknowledged God as the source of all his blessings. God was seen as the giver of water to the parched earth. David saw the hillsides blessed with flocks of sheep. God softened the clods of dirt with water, softening the earth so that the seeds sowed there would more easily germinate, producing a good crop.

In their day a year was made up of 360 days. God crowned the year with His goodness. We just finished a year which had 365 days. God crowned 2015 with His goodness. Yes, there were some terrible events globally; mass shootings, wars and threats of wars, floods, tornadoes and earthquakes. Close to home loved ones became sick and many died. But the year was crowned with God’s goodness. He did not leave us nor forsake us in the hard times.

He is giving us one extra day in 2016. With February having 29 days this is a leap year. We will have 366 days to enjoy God’s blessings on us. He will crown this year, 2016, with His goodness. There will be problems, just like our Savior said. But, He also said,“Be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) Look for and enjoy His blessings this year.

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