Saturday, January 23, 2016

Don’t Fret

“Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity.” (Psalm 37:1)

We speak of infants being fretful because they are hungry, thirsty, lacking attention or they may be teething or sick. To be fretful is to be agitated. We sometimes call it, “Out of sorts.”

The psalmist, David, warned against being fretful because of the seeming well being of evildoers, the workers of iniquity. When it seems that sinful people with no interest in God, righteousness or the church are more prosperous than God-fearing people are, we are told not to fret about it. You take care of you. Continue to love the Lord, to walk with Him and serve Him. He will tend to the evildoers in His time and in His way.

Do not entertain the thought that they are better off than you and that you would enjoy some of their prosperity, some of their “stuff.” Child of God, there is a better day coming beyond this vale of tears, better than anyone knows about down here. Be patient. You’re not home yet.

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