Thursday, January 21, 2016

Practical Atheism

“The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God.” (Psalm 53:1)

Notice that the fool did not declare it from the house top or the mountain top. It is in his heart the fool said there is no God. It seems he does not want everyone to know what’s in his heart. It is not popular to say aloud among his friends what he is thinking. If he can cast his vote in secret he will pull the lever that says there is no God. He is an atheist.

But there is more. There is the believer who would not for the world, in his heart or publicly say there is no God. He is not an atheist. Sadly, he is a “Practical Atheist.” He believes in God but never prays. He believes in God, but never reads the Bible. The “Practical Atheist,” believes in God but never goes to church. He never tells anyone else about Jesus the Savior. He never gives God a portion of what God has blessed him with. The “Practical Atheist” believes in God but practices atheism.

The “Practical Atheist” ignores the Ten Commandments and any other commandment in the Bible that he finds not to be to his liking. He lives as though there is no God, no Savior, no heaven and no hell.

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