Friday, January 8, 2016

Unsophisticated Evangelism

“And when they could not come nigh unto Him for the press, they uncovered the roof where He was: and when they had broken it up, they let down the bed wherein the sick of the palsy lay.” (Mark 2:4)

The four men checked the door and there was no way to get four men carrying a fifth man on a stretcher into the presence of Jesus. No one would clear a path. I wonder why some of the folks on the inside did not receive the sick man and pass him over their shoulders to Jesus. Could it be that they were not as desperate as the palsied man? Maybe they thought it would be a waste of Jesus’ time and energy to give this man any attention. Whatever it was, it was up to the four friends to get the man to Jesus.

It was unconventional and unsophisticated to do what they did. They carried the helpless man to the roof. Then they broke up the roof, making a hole big enough to pass the man and his bed through and down into the presence of Jesus. I suppose it could be said, “That’s one way to break up a preaching service.”

You and I cannot save a soul, but we can put forth every unselfish effort to put the lost into the presence of Jesus. We can start Bible classes, start a bus route, and go door to door inviting people to church while handing out Gospel tracts. For Jesus’ sake, let’s be one of the four.

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