Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Are You Facing a Dilemma?

“Whether is it easier to say to the sick of the palsy, thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, arise, and take up thy bed, and walk? (Mark 2:9)

The scribes were faced with a dilemma. In the middle of a crowd of people lay a paralyzed man who had just been lowered through the roof of a house where Jesus was preaching. In the crowd were some scribes who had been hearing Jesus preach and were watching the scene unfold before their eyes. They heard Jesus tell the crippled man that his sins were forgiven. In their hearts the scribes accused Jesus of blasphemy because no one except God could forgive sins.

Here’s the dilemma. If Jesus had said, “Take up your bed and walk,” and had not spoken the words of forgiveness, the scribes would have still been unbelieving. So Jesus presented His question to them which comprises our text. Proof of Jesus’ power and person would be evidenced in the crippled man. If he got up and walked it would be evidence that Jesus had both, power to heal and authority to forgive sins, thus proving that He was God. They never answered our Lord’s question.

Those who reject Jesus and His word are always in a dilemma trying to convince themselves and everyone around them that Jesus has nothing which they need and that they are justified in not accepting Him or His teachings. Eternity will be too late to decide in favor of Jesus the Savior.

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