Thursday, January 7, 2016

Bringing People to Jesus

“And they come unto Him, bringing one sick of the palsy, which was borne of four.” (Mark 2:3)

By now you are familiar with the rest of this story in the life of Jesus. When we left off last time Jesus was in a crowded house where He was preaching the Word to the standing room only crowd. When we pick up the story today we find a paralyzed man being carried by four others.

From what I have read of this man’s disease, in those days there was no cure for him short of a miracle. He knew he needed a miracle, his four companions apparently knew it and certainly, Jesus knew it. He was desperately ill. Perhaps all he could think about was being healed, being well and able to make a living as he perhaps had done before.

There were four stretcher bearers. Likely there was a man at each corner of the stretcher. It took a lot of strength, effort and cooperation to get this far. Someone suggested the names of these four men were Vision, who first saw the man, Sympathy, who himself had been ill with the same disease, Perseverance, who would not give up and Faith who knew Jesus could heal him. It takes all those to bring people to Jesus.

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