Saturday, January 16, 2016

Lost in the House of God

“…Hilkiah the priest found a book of the law of the LORD given by Moses…And it came to pass, when the king had heard the words of the law, that he rent his clothes.”
(II Chronicles 34:14, 19”)

Josiah was one of the good kings of Judah, coming to the throne at the age of eight years and reigning for thirty-one years. In the eighteenth year of his reign he was responsible for cleansing the country of idolatry and restoring the temple. While men were restoring the temple they found God’s Word which had been neglected and lost there. That neglect had brought judgment on the nation and would bring more judgment after good King Josiah was gone.

When any nation, people or church turns its back on God and forsakes His word they can expect the judgment hand of God upon them. Through the neglect of the Bible America’s morals have eroded to a terrible low. Sadly, the Bible has been lost in many churches and Christian institutions of higher learning. Abortion on demand, same sex marriage (so called), unmarried couples living together out of wedlock, drug abuse, alcoholism, child sexual abuse, theft, rape, incest, murder, pornography and faith fading into formalism.

We had better dig out and dust off the Old Book and get back on the right track with God before it’s too late.

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