Monday, January 25, 2016

Let the Cool Breezes Blow

“As the cold of snow in the time of harvest, so is a faithful messenger to them that send him: for he refresheth the soul of his masters.” (Proverbs 25:13)

We can learn much from a snow storm. One thing we can learn is that it is not necessary to be driving our cars somewhere all the time. We can learn how we are blessed to have warm beds, warm houses and ample food in the pantry.

When the cold air from the snow found its way down my collar last Friday, I did not like it. But I have thought how nice that cool air would have been when I was working in the hay-fields as a teenager.  The writer of the Proverbs could have had a similar thought. In the summer at harvest time in that country, the snow capped mountains would catch a breeze which would carry the snow-cooled air down into the valleys where men were harvesting grain. They were not in the air-conditioned cab of a nice tractor or combine. They were out in the sun, swinging a scythe or cradle. It was very hot and equally dusty. They welcomed a cool breeze from the mountains.

A good word from a messenger is refreshing like that cool air coming down the mountainside and across the valley. When we hear a Gospel message from one of God’s messengers it should be like that refreshing wind from above.

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