Thursday, December 31, 2015

No Boasting

“Not of works lest any man should boast.” (Ephesians 2:9)

Suppose when you get to heaven you were to see a group of folks in a heated exchange of words of boasting and bragging about what all they had done to get to heaven. One fellow is boasting of all the Sundays he attended church without missing one time. “If anyone deserves it, I do,” he says. Another brags of how many pairs of shoes he wore out walking from door to door inviting folks to church. “I deserve eternal life,” he says as his chest swells with pride. One after another they speak, boasting of sins they had not committed and boasting of their good deeds they had done.

That is not a sight you will see in heaven because salvation is not earned nor rewarded; it is given to those who will believe the Gospel of the grace of God.

It is good to do those things and practice good moral behavior as a result of being saved and having Christ in your heart. But good deeds, no matter how noble, can never earn for us eternal life. “By grace are you saved through faith…it is the gift of God.” (Ephesians 2:8)

Have you accepted your gift?

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