Saturday, December 26, 2015

The Day After Christmas

“And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us…” (John 1:14)

That the birth of Jesus Christ actually happened cannot be denied. Too many verifiable facts attest to His birth that cannot be ignored. Mary and Joseph, the shepherds, then Simeon and then Anna and finally the wise men all beheld the Word made flesh, or God in the flesh.

But, what about today, December 26, and the days following Christmas? What takes place after the Word became flesh is seen in the second part of the verse: “And dwelt among us.” He lived among us. He “pitched His tent” with us. He grew, became a man, taught, preached, worked miracles, was opposed by men, was crucified, died and arose from the grave. Dwelling among us, He taught men how to live, face opposition and how to die. He showed us what God is like.

Today, tomorrow and the days following the celebration of the birth of Jesus, when the Word became flesh, we trust Him to be our Savior and we follow the leading of Him who had His dwelling among us.

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