Sunday, December 20, 2015

Make Room for Jesus

“And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes, and laid Him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the Inn” (Luke 2:7)

The Bethlehem inn keeper has taken a bad rap through the years.  The decree of Caesar Augustus that a census be taken caused that people must travel to their native home to be registered. There was no way to call ahead to make reservations. There was no credit card to guarantee that one’s room would be waiting for them. It was strictly, “First come, first served.”

The Inn Keeper had no way of knowing Joseph and Mary would be coming from Nazareth, nor that among the people needing rooms there would be a pregnant woman, nor that this baby would be the Son of God. Yes, the inn keeper has taken a bad rap through the years in sermons, plays, musicals and movies.

But, you and I know the story of the Bethlehem birth of the Christ Child. We know who He is, why He came, that He lived a sinless life, died at the hands of wicked men on a Roman Cross and that He was raised from the dead. Knowing all that, have you made room for Jesus in your life? The Inn Keeper could honestly plead ignorance.  You and I cannot.  I encourage you to make room for Jesus in your life.

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