Sunday, December 6, 2015

Pray for Us

"Brethren, pray for us.” (I Thessalonians5:25)

I heard a man singing, “I need the prayers of those I love.” Through the years I have come to realize that the greatest single thing  anyone can do for me is to pray for me. As I have thought about it and meditated upon it I realize that if your prayers are the most important thing you can do for me, then the greatest single thing I can do others is to pray for them.

If I drive a hundred miles to visit someone before an early morning surgery I must lift them up to God in prayer or else my visit may mean nothing. When I go to the pulpit to preach it helps to know there are people praying for me.

Paul faced many obstacles and much opposition as do most pastors and preachers who stay true to the Word of God and preach as a dying man to dying men. So, brethren, pray for us. I need the prayers of those I love.

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