Saturday, January 27, 2018

Unity Among Brethren

“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! (Psalm133:1)

The worst disunity of all is church disunity. In a church with disunity brothers in the Lord cannot get along with each other and everyone feels that his way is best.

But, our text gives us a better way. There is nothing more pleasant than church unity among brothers in the Lord. When there is unity among brothers one can sense the presence of God in the place. Christ is honored and there is peace.

Disunity in a church cannot be hidden from the surrounding community. I heard a man say of a church in his community, “I wouldn’t go to that church for anything. They’re worse than the Hatfield’s and the McCoy’s. They don’t get along with each other at all.” When folks leave as fast they can after the last prayer I suspect there is disunity and hard feelings. On the other hand when no one is in a hurry to leave and they talk and visit among themselves that is evidence of unity. The atmosphere is rich with the presence of the Lord.

Strive for unity in your church. God desires unity. The devil desires disunity. Which one do you desire?

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