Tuesday, January 2, 2018

That’s Good

“And God saw everything that He had made and, behold, it was very good…”
(Genesis 1:31)

Something that is “awesome” is awe inspiring. It is fantastic. It could be described as “Out of this world.” It makes you say “wow.” Sometimes worship services are described by such adjectives.

When God spoke the world into existence He used the word, “good.” When He made the first ray of light He said it was good. When He made the oceans, the sun and moon, vegetation, animals, fowl of the air and fish in the waters, “He said, “That’s good.” After He made the sun and moon He said, “That’s good.” When He made man with his thousands of miles of nerves, all the bones and his blood flow system which cannot be duplicated by man, God said, “That’s good.”

A church service need not be awesome, fantastic or wonderful. If God will say when we leave church or at the close of a service, “That’s good,” that should be enough.

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