Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Buried Treasure

“I rejoice at thy word, as one that findeth great spoil.” (Psalm 119:162)

A few years ago a homeowner saw some rusty metal objects protruding from the ground where rain had washed away the dirt over a long period of time. He began digging around and found them to be old coffee cans, filled with old coins and old paper money, frayed around the edges. Apparently it had been buried there many years before he had bought the property. It was a treasure worth thousands of dollars. With no living heirs to claim it, his find brought him great rejoicing.

The psalmist said he rejoiced over the word of God as someone finding great spoil or treasure. I once saw a bumper sticker which read, “Find buried treasure: read the Bible.”

This treasure will never pass away with time, will not lose its value and it is a treasure large enough to be shared with the rest of the world. Bring joy into your life: read the Bible.

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