Thursday, January 25, 2018

An Invitation to make People Glad

“I was glad when they said unto me, ‘Let us go into the house of the Lord.’” 
(Psalm 122:1)

Someone must have loved the psalmist to give him an invitation to the house of God. Whoever it was must have loved the house of God also.

That person who extended the invitation was pleased with the things that happen in the house of God. He had something good to share. There was the presence of God, the singing of praises to Him, the sharing of God’s word and the sweet fellowship among the people.

The present day churches need to strive to make folks glad, first that they were invited to church, second that there would be something worthwhile for every one who comes and third that a spiritual hunger will have been initiated to make them want to come back.

Thank God for the people through the years who have invited me to go to the house of God and worship with them. Make someone glad: invite them to the house of God to worship with you.

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