Friday, January 12, 2018

Fools for Christ

“We are fools for Christ’s sake…” (I Corinthians 4:10)

Because Paul the Apostle went without food in his self-denial for Jesus and was thirsty, he was seen as a fool. He did not have proper clothing, was mistreated and had no certain place to live and worked with his own hands, not accepting aid from the Corinthian church. He was considered a fool. As a servant of Christ he was reviled, persecuted and defamed.

The world today thinks of dedicated, self-denying servants of the Lord as fools. Often, they have no major investments, no fine cars, no fine houses or no yacht. Tithing their income Sunday after Sunday, forgiving those who have done them wrong, giving their last dollar to buy a meal for a homeless person looks foolish to the world.

It seems foolish to the skeptical world for folks to believe in the hereafter, that there is a real heaven and hell. Those who accept Jesus Christ by faith to be their Savior will spend eternity in heaven with Him. Those who reject Him will have their part in hell for eternity. One is a fool for the devil; the other is a fool for Christ. Be a fool for Christ.

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