Thursday, January 11, 2018

On Stage

“…For we are made a spectacle unto the world, and to angels, and to men.”
(I Corinthians 4:9)

Paul the Apostle saw himself and other apostles as men appointed to death. Their behavior, service and love for the Lord made them stand out. They were “spectacles.”

I have seen people make spectacles of themselves, acting in some outlandish way, drunk with too much to drink. They were acting abnormally. The hundred and twenty believers in the upper room on the Day of Pentecost were accused of being drunk. They were not drunk: They were filled with the Holy Spirit. Those who saw them thought they were being spectacles.

We Christians are a spectacle. It is as though we are on stage and all the world is watching. If we believe, behave and sacrifice for Jesus the watching world will think of us as fools. While we are on stage it is easy for the audience to hurl insults in our direction making us suffer verbal attacks. Jesus promised to stay with us, not as a prompter in the wings, but as one living within us and around us and guiding all our actions and protecting us from the world.

Christian, you are on stage and all the world is watching.  If you are dedicated to the Lord you are a spectacle.

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