Saturday, January 13, 2018

Following Those Who Follow Christ

“Be ye therefore followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.” (I Corinthians 11:1)

When I was a child the other kids and I enjoyed playing, “Follow the Leader.” We had a leader and the rest of us would fall in line behind him and do everything he did. We stepped where he stepped, walking through mud holes, swinging off low branches of trees or attempting to jump across a small branch of water as he had done. I got my shoes soaked more than once.

Paul said, “Follow me as long as I follow Christ,” implying that his readers should not follow him if he were not following Christ. A good rule of thumb is, “Follow the preacher as long as the preacher follows Christ.” We have all known preachers that we should not follow. Their actions said they were not followers of Christ.

We preachers have a major responsibility to follow Christ. Without our realizing it there are people following us. We must be followers of Christ in all things or else we will lead someone astray.

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