Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Great Peace Promised to Bible Lovers

“Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.”  
(Psalm 119:162)

There are tremendous blessings for those who love the Bible, God’s word. It shows us the way of salvation in Jesus Christ. It teaches us eternal doctrines, it reproves and corrects us and instructs us in the right path. (II Timothy 3:15-16)

The psalmist tells us that those who love God’s word have great peace. It is peace that passes understanding. Isaiah says it is “perfect peace.” (Isaiah 26:3)

In addition to great peace the psalmist assures us that nothing shall offend those who love God’s word. Some translations have, “…and nothing shall make them stumble.” The Bible opens the door into the presence of God, the God of all peace, joy and happiness. Don’t miss the peace: read a portion of the Bible every day.

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