Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Has it come to That?

“…Then began men to call upon the name of the LORD. (Genesis 4:26)

I heard of a lady in a hospital room with her very ill husband. He had been there many days. The doctors came in with all their charts and stethoscopes. The doctors had a consultation among themselves. Her family physician gently said, “If you know how to pray we strongly suggest you do so.” To which she replied, “Has it come to that?” It always comes to that eventually. When we get desperate enough we will pray.

In our text, man began to call on the Lord after Adam and Eve bore their first children. It was after sin entered the world through the temptations of the devil to disobey God. It was after one of the sons killed the other. Desperate times call for desperate prayers.

Has our country mired deeply enough in the quick-sand of sin to cause us to pray? When we go under, with one hand raised in desperation for someone to rescue us, will we pray to Almighty God or will we continue to think we do not need Him?

Yes, it has come to that.

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