Saturday, January 6, 2018

A Sure Ticket to Hell

“…Go thy way for this time; when I have a convenient season, I will call for thee.”
 (Acts 24:25)

One sure ticket to hell is to put off making a decision until later. Putting it off is a decision. Another translation of this verse says, “Leave for now, but when I find time I’ll call for you.”

Paul, the Christian, was standing before Felix the governor. Paul reasoned with him of righteousness, temperance and judgment to come. These words caused Felix to tremble with conviction.

Someone hears the Bible preached and explained. The Holy Spirit uses it to bring conviction. The person is called to decision.  He may accept the message, believe on the Lord and be saved. Or, he can postpone it and do as Felix did. But, there is no guarantee that there will be a better time. There is no record that Felix ever found a better time.

Many possible things can happen. His decision was to postpone or put it off.  But, it was his decision. That decision is a sure ticket to hell for eternity. It is best to receive Christ now and get your guarantee to a better life here and heaven for eternity.

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