Sunday, January 14, 2018

Give Me Understanding in God’s Word

“I am thy servant; give me understanding, that I may know thy testimonies.”
(Psalm 119:125)

The one-hundred and nineteenth psalm has one-hundred and seventy six verses. There is a reference to the Word of God in all but two or three verses. Eleven different words or phrases are used for the Word of God. For instance, our text has the word, “testimonies” in reference to the Word of God.

In our text the psalmist asked God for understanding that he might know God’s word. That is a valid request to make of God.

Our church bulletin every Sunday has a suggested Bible reading for every day of the following week. Those who follow that guide will read through the Bible in a year. The purpose is not just to read the Bible through. The purpose is to hear God speak to us. There is no “short cut” to Bible knowledge or understanding. Bible knowledge comes in a “slow cooker,” not a “microwave.” Someone said, “One must read the Bible on his knees to hear the message and understand it.” Even when we do not understand what we are reading, we should read on and trust God to open our understanding.

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