Thursday, January 19, 2017

Who is this Man Jesus?

“…whom say ye that I am?” (Matthew 16:15)

This was Jesus’ first question to his disciples upon arriving at Caesarea Philippi.
How one answers that question concerning the person of Jesus will determine his eternal destiny as well as how he lives his life on earth.

Who do they say He is today in this “sophisticated,” “educated” society? A major religion of our day says Jesus really existed but that He was a wonderful prophet on an equal par with their prophet and that He did not die on the cross because He was rescued from crucifixion. Since there was no crucifixion, there was no death and consequently no resurrection.  Beloved, that also means no salvation.

Some folks recognize Him as a great miracle worker, a great preacher, a great teacher, or a wonderful example of perfection. Some will even say He is “a” savior or that He is “the” savior but not “my” Savior.

It doesn’t matter what others say about Him or think about Him. Who do you say He is? Can you confess as Peter did that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God?

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