Saturday, January 7, 2017

Safe in Jesus

“…and the Lord shut him in.” (Genesis 7:16)

Noah’s ark is an excellent picture of salvation in Jesus Christ. God told Noah to build the ark because He was sending a flood upon the earth, a flood of judgment.

Noah and his family and two of every kind of  “unclean” creature and seven of every kind of “clean” animal were to be on board. Every living thing on the ark survived the flood, and all mankind and living creature not on the ark drowned.

When the last animal was on board and all of Noah’s family were inside, the Bible says, “and the Lord shut him in.” He was not hanging on to a peg outside the ark neither was he treading water beside the ark or following the ark’s example of floating. No; the Lord shut him in.

When we place our faith in Jesus the Savior He “shuts us in.” He is our “Ark of Salvation.” We are safe in Jesus. Praise the Lord.

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