Monday, January 30, 2017

Don’t be Deceived

“Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.” (Proverbs 20:1)

For the past several months several small towns in the Commonwealth of Kentucky have been deceived and led astray by the liquor industry and those pushing for the privilege of selling alcohol in previously “dry” areas. They have used as their argument in their push for alcohol sales, “we can stop the bootlegger,” and “we can receive the tax revenue that is now going to places that have legal sales and use that in our town or county.”

Having lived where alcohol flows freely, I can say that one is being very naive if he thinks selling more alcohol will stop the bootlegger. Legal sales just make it easier for the bootlegger to get alcohol for resale. The second truth is that the clean up from the alcohol induced mess far out-weighs any incoming revenue that comes from alcohol sales.

Third, even if there were a windfall of money, the end does not justify the means. Using the argument of gaining more revenue from tax money on alcohol sales, one could just as easily say, “Let’s legalize and tax prostitution and use that money on education and health care.” May God have mercy on us. Don’t be deceived by beverage alcohol or the beverage alcohol industry.

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