Sunday, January 1, 2017

Trophies of God’s Grace

“…that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches in His kindness toward us through Christ Jesus.” (Ephesians 2:7)

Schools often have trophy cases in which are kept the trophies of athletic and sports victories. Future generations of students see those trophies and determine to excel in their sports activities. Past generations see and remember the winning of those trophies with great pride.

Sinners who have been saved from a life of drunkenness, drugs, adultery, theft, lying, lostness, hopelessness and a host of unmentionable sins were saved and changed by the grace of God. In heaven we shall be the “trophies of God’s grace.”

In the ages (plural) to come when we are in the presence of the Lord and someone looks at us they will see a trophy of His grace, not one who deserved to be in heaven. If we could look at ourselves in a mirror when we get to heaven we would see, not our good works and deeds, but a trophy of God’s grace.

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