Thursday, January 26, 2017

Frail Children of Dust

“For he knoweth our frame; He remembereth that we are dust.” (Psalm 103:14)

We build houses of bricks, blocks, stone, wood, concrete and steel.  We have seen houses and other buildings made of these materials devastated by floods, tornadoes and fire.

The first man was made of dust which God had gathered together, Then God breathed into the nostrils of that frail being made of the flimsiest material and man became a living soul. His word tells us that this “house,” or tent, groans and travails in pain. We are living in temporary “housing” which will go back to the dust of the earth.

God knows more about us than we know about ourselves. He knows our frailties and weaknesses. He has not forgotten that we are dust. He sees our strutting about and hears our prideful boasting. But he keeps on tenderly caring for us, even when we do not have a clue of how totally helpless these bodies of clay dust really are.

It would do us good to remember that we are helpless and dependent on our Creator and to remember that even though we are made of dust we can, “do all things through Him that strengthens us.” (Philippians 4:13)

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