Saturday, March 4, 2017

What is Your Testimony?

“Oh God, thou hast taught me from my youth: and hitherto have I declared thy wondrous works.” (Psalm 71:17)

As a pastor I have observed the worship patterns of hundreds of people. One of the most delightful observations was shared by the testimony of a young man who said that he started attending church nine months before he was born. Many faithful Christian men and women could give the same testimony. Thank God for parents who love the Lord and have brought up their children to love Him also.

Many people have had a life-long relationship with God through Jesus Christ. If you have never received Christ Jesus as your Savior I encourage you to do it now. And, if you name the name of Christ and have children I encourage you not to neglect the most important responsibility God has given you, that of teaching your children the things of God.

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