Sunday, March 19, 2017

A Good Man

“For he was a good man, and full of the Holy Ghost and of faith…” (Acts 11:24)

The church at Jerusalem was scattered upon the persecution that arose about Stephen. As a result believers traveled to several areas including Antioch. People were turning to the Lord and getting saved in Antioch. The word came to the church of Jerusalem so they sent Barnabas to assist in the evangelism effort at Antioch.

The Bible says Barnabas was a “good man.” The evidence of his goodness is evidenced by the fact that he was an encourager. That’s what good people do: they encourage instead of discourage. He encouraged the new believers in Antioch to cleave to the Lord.

The source of his goodness is that he was full of the Holy Spirit. To be "full of" or "filled with" the Holy Spirit is to be controlled by the Holy Spirit. He was not full of himself. He was not filled with drunkenness or lust. He was not filled with hatred.  His goodness resulted also from his being full of faith.

More evidence of Barnabas’ goodness is seen in his going to Tarsus to get Paul to help him with the ministry at Antioch. For an entire year these two great men assembled with the infant church of Antioch and taught the people. Barnabas was not afraid to share the success at Antioch with another.

Barnabas’ goodness is further seen when he and Paul were entrusted with a sizeable offering to take some 300 miles to the suffering saints of Jerusalem.

Barnabas was a good man. What kind of man or woman are you?


  1. We need more believers today to be like Barnabas. Thanks for the word.

  2. Thanks for the word. The Bible says, "Iron sharpens iron."
