Friday, March 31, 2017

Our Confused World

“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20)

Years ago I heard of a prankster who somehow obtained keys to all the stores in a major downtown area. When the merchants opened their stores early the next morning they discovered that all the price tags in the store windows where the merchandise was displayed had been switched. Cheap items had expensive price tags and expensive items had cheap price tags.

The devil has played a huge but very serious prank on the world. The blood of Jesus Christ, called “precious” in the Bible, is regarded as of little worth. He would want us to believe that materialism, pleasures and sporting events are of greater worth than salvation in Jesus, true praise and worship of the Son of God. The devil would have us believe that we are better off serving ourselves than serving the Lord. He attempts to get folks to believe everyone is going to heaven and he says there is no such place as hell.

But, you know better.  Calling evil good and good evil and putting darkness for light and light for darkness is not Godly. It is Satanic. The ultimate risk is not worth taking.

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