Sunday, April 15, 2018

Why Are You Depressed?

“Why art thou cast down, O my soul? And why art thou disquieted within me? Hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise Him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God. (Psalm 43:5)

Depression is real. We spend fortunes on it for diagnosis and treatment every year. It seems to be part of the human nature to be depressed. If what we are depressed about isn’t something real we make it real.

The Psalmist knew that he must turn his depression and worry over to God. If we do not turn it over to God it will take over our lives as cancer. Talk with God. Tell Him what it that is troubling you. It could be a wayward child, or “too much month left at the end of the money,” we can’t pay our bills, and a car that needs repairs and there is no money to fix it. It may be a love that has grown cold.

Tell it to Jesus. He is our hope. Praise Him for who He is and for what He can do when we turn things over to Him and believe that He can do what He promised.

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