Tuesday, April 17, 2018

The Good Shepherd Knows Your Name

“…And He calleth His own sheep by name, and leadeth them out.” (John 10:3)

He who knows the number of hairs on your head most certainly knows your name. When Mary was at the tomb of Jesus following His resurrection, she thought she was seeing the gardener standing nearby. Then Jesus called her name, “Mary,” and immediately she recognized Jesus. No one knows your name nor speaks your name like Jesus.

Five or six small flocks of sheep with their shepherds were gathered around a pool of water to drink. When they had finished drinking each of the five or six shepherds started walking away and seemed to be singing a song. Each sheep gathered behind his shepherd. What sounded like a song to the spectators was actually the shepherd calling the names of his sheep.

The Good Shepherd’s sheep know His voice and follow Him. The Lord Jesus is the Good Shepherd. We believers follow Him to green pastures, by still waters and in paths of righteousness.

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