Sunday, April 8, 2018

And He Died

“And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died.” (Genesis 5:5)

The phrase, “And he died,” is found in Genesis 5:1-32 eight times. These words could be written as an addendum on each person who has walked on earth. The one in this passage who is the only exception is Enoch. The Bible says that Enoch “walked with God: and was not; for God took him.” One other man besides Enoch never died. His name was Elijah. Even the Son of God, Jesus, died.

When our Lord returns to call from the graves the Christians for resurrection there will be Christians who are walking the earth and they will be taken up without experiencing death, just like Enoch.

The question is: are you walking with God? Have you taken your first step of faith with Him?  If so, then neither death nor the rapture of the church holds any fear on you. Walking with God is a thrill and joy beyond measure. Walk with God today and be a blessing.

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