Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Here am I; Send Me

“And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?’ Then said I, ‘Here am I; send me.’”(Isaiah 6:8)

Uzziah, the tenth king of Judah, had seen God in all His glory in a vision. He had seen seraphims and recognized himself as a sinner who needed cleansing. One of the seraphims then took a live coal of fire from the altar and laid it on Isaiah’s mouth and declared him to be clean.

It was at this point that Isaiah heard the voice of God asking, “Whom shall I send and who will for us?”

It is a wonderful thing to become a Christian and know your sins are forgiven. Next to that wonder is to be called of God into His service. I have heard the testimonies of many such men, called of God, feeling unworthy for such a responsibility and privilege. It is no light thing to carry a message of hope to a hopeless world. It is not “fun and games,” or a picnic in the park where there are no problems and heartaches. People are facing eternity with a choice of either heaven or hell as their destiny. We are not salesmen trying to sell a product. We have a message from God to them. We must be faithful in the task.

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