Monday, April 2, 2018

Reactions to the Resurrection

“And when they heard of the resurrection of the dead, some mocked: and others said, ‘we will hear thee again of this matter’…Howbeit certain men clave unto him, and believed…” (Acts 17:32, 34)

Paul’s ministry had taken had taken him to Athens. He commented on how religious they were, with idols everywhere. With so many false gods they feared they had left out one. So they erected an altar with the inscription, “TO THE UNKNOWN GOD.” When Paul spoke to them of the one true God his message included the resurrection. The Athenians reacted to the resurrection in three ways.

First, some of them mocked. That was the reaction of the religious Sadducees in Jerusalem during the ministry of Jesus. Mocking is one of the reactions to the resurrection today. Mocking, making light of it and some people looking down their noses at anyone who believes.

Second, others postponed and said, “Let’s talk about this later.” Hell is the eternal home of those unless they repent and believe.

Third, a few believed Paul’s message of the resurrection and clave unto him.

Each one of us is in one of those groups. Which group you are in when death comes will determine your eternal destiny.

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