Friday, April 13, 2018

What is a Christian?

“And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.” (Acts 11:26)

The word Christian is found only three times in the New Testament and is not found at all in the Old Testament. There were disciples, followers of Christ, long before the name Christian was used. It was apparently a name given to them by others as they observed their Christ-like lives. Some say it was given in derision by the enemies of Christ.

Today, almost everyone wants to be called “Christian” whether or not their lives are Christ like. It is an honorable title that should be worn as such.

In the army of Alexander the Great a young soldier was caught stealing. He was brought before Alexander. The Great leader asked, “What is your name, soldier?” Answering proudly, the young man said, “Alexander, sir.” Alexander the Great said, “You change your ways or change your name.”

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