Friday, April 27, 2018

I Was Blind, Now I See

“He answered and said, “whether he be a sinner or no, I know not: one thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see.” (John 9:25)

A young man had been born blind. He knew nothing of his mother’s face, had never seen a sunrise or a sunset. He knew the sound of thunder but had not seen the lightening that caused the thunder. How he longed to see. Was it his sins or his parents’ sins that caused him to be born blind? Jesus said it was neither but that the works of God might be manifest in him.

Jesus healed him and now they take him to the Pharisees. An argument ensued as to who Jesus was and how He could heal the boy and why do it on the Sabbath day. When they brought their charges to the young man he spoke the words of our text.

Many of us were saved at a very early age. We knew nothing of theology. We had not done a deep study on the person of Christ. We knew we were sinners and we knew that Jesus saves. So we trusted Him and He saved us. He did not say come back when you know more, when you can answer all the theological questions that are out there.

That is His appeal to every man, woman, boy or girl. Come to Him just as you are, with all your sins and all your ignorance. Whosoever will may come.

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