Friday, February 23, 2018

Well Done Good and Faithful Servant

“His Lord said unto him, ‘Well done, thou good and faithful servant…” (Matthew 25:21)

In an interview with Robin Roberts of ABC News a few years ago, Billy Graham said that he would rather be found worthy and hear the Lord say, “Well done thou good and faithful servant,” than to have glowing things said about him at his funeral.   

In the Parable of the Talents the man traveling into the far country is the Son of God. It is teaching us to be faithful to the stewardship the Lord has given us until He returns.

Most of us preachers cannot claim the successes in ministry that Billy Graham has experienced. But we can be faithful to the Lord with what He has given us. Somewhere over in an obscure place in the mountains of Eastern Kentucky, Tennessee or North Carolina there is a pastor who has faithfully gone about his stewardship as pastor of a little country church. He loves his people, has ministered to them in times of sickness, death and sorrow. He has given them food from his pantry.

He has not seen much church growth and no one outside his county has ever heard of him. But if he has been faithful to the Lord in the assignment given him he is likely to hear the Lord say, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.”

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