Wednesday, February 7, 2018

The Greatest among You

“But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.” (Matthew 23:11)

A few years ago the Oak Ridge Boys had a song out that said, “Nobody wants to play rhythm guitar behind Jesus; everybody wants to be the lead singer in the band.” Sadly, that song represents the attitude of many people in today’s churches.

One night Jesus and the disciples gathered in a room to eat the Passover meal. No one had been given the task of securing a servant. None of the disciples wanted to do that menial task. Jesus got a basin and some water and began washing the disciples’ feet. In that room that night the Son of God demonstrated true greatness.

I am reminded of the young man from out on the farm in World War II. He said, “I would join the navy if they would let me drive the boat.” Similarly, others have said, “I will join the church if I can be the boss.”  Take another look at our text.

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