Thursday, February 22, 2018

One of God’s Servants has gone Home

“Moses my servant is dead…” (Joshua 1:2)

Yesterday many hearts were saddened at the news that Billy Graham had died. We were not saddened for him but for ourselves.

The time had come and God spoke to Joshua, who was to take the role of leader of the Israelites upon the death of Moses. That time will come for all the servants of the Lord to leave this earth just as it will for everyone.

I had the privilege of attending some of Billy Graham’s crusades. My heart was touched with his fervor and passion. He was unpretentious. His words could be understood by a ten year old child, yet he prayed with, and counseled heads of state from around the world. I always enjoyed “The Hour of Decision” on the radio on Sunday afternoon.

His morals were impeccable. If he were in the company of a lady there was always a male staff member present.

Many young pastors have been helped and encouraged by Billy Graham sticking with the Bible. His messages were saturated with the words, “The Bible says.” Until we are called home let all the servants of the Lord stay true to the Bible.

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