Tuesday, February 20, 2018

How Did We get Here?

“But evil men and imposters will proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.” (II Timothy 3:13, NASB ) 

How did we get to where we are today? Our society has gone from sinful to more sinful.

I saw television for the first time in 1949. Everything was mild compared to the scenes today. If the first scenes and shows on television had been what we see today the television industry would have ended in 1949. We have gotten used to the dark, so to speak. Shows on T.V. and in the movies treat murder and killing as though they are normal. We expose our children to scary monsters, ghosts and unreal, vile things from outer space or from the darkness of the abyss. Our society glamorizes homo-sexually, rape and violence.

We are like a frog in a pot of cold water with the heat being turned up gradually. The frog does not realize what is happening until it is too late to jump out.

We must get back to Godly homes where children are disciplined and taught to respect authority. We must put a new and fresh emphasis on the Bible and teach the children the basics of God’s Word. Parents must take their children to church and sit with them when they get there. We did not get where we are overnight and we won’t get back to where we need to be without prayer, repentance and willing hearts. 

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