Friday, January 2, 2015

Very Good

“And God saw every thing that He had made, and behold, it was very good.” (Genesis 1:31)

In the first chapter of Genesis one can find the word “good” seven times. The first six times the word is used after God has created something. “And God saw that it was good.” (verses 4,10, 12,18, 21, 25) The seventh time the word “good” is used is in verse 31 after God has finished creation. In that verse it is not just good, it is “very” good.

Mankind is included in the “very” good spoken by God. Everything continued to be very good until Satan entered the picture in Genesis 3:1-24. It was there that God’s word was questioned and then disobeyed. Since then we have lived on a sin-cursed earth. “The whole creation groans and travails in pain together until now.” (Romans 8:22)

For things to be “very good” with mankind again it was necessary for God, the Creator, to provide salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ. It can be very good with us individually as we surrender to Jesus and live a life of faith. However, not until the Lord returns, Satan is cast into the lake of fire, this earth is destroyed and there is a new heaven and a new earth will things be “very good” permanently.

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