Sunday, January 18, 2015

Praying for Others


“Peter therefore was kept in prison: but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him.” (Acts 12:5)


In this story about the killing of James the brother of John by Herod Agrippa, we can learn something about intercessory prayer, as we see how the church of Jerusalem prayed for Peter following his imprisonment. Intercessory prayer is one of the most Christ-like things we can do. He prayed intercessory prayers while He was on earth and He continues to do so at the right hand of God today.


  1. Intercessory prayer should be made unceasingly. (v-5) Never stop praying for others.
  2. Intercessory prayer should be specific. While Peter was in prison they prayed specifically for him, not the stars, crops, weather, etc.
  3. Intercessory prayer ought to involve the local church. (vs. 5,12)
  4. Intercessory must be directed to God.
  5. Intercessory prayer is unselfish. It is not for our needs, it is for others and their needs.
  6. Intercessory prayer should be prayed in faith, something the group praying for Peter never had. (vs. 13-17)
  7. Intercessory prayer will create a stir, (vs.18, 19) something chili suppers, pizza parties, raffles and the like will not do.






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